When To Consider Social Security: A Complete Guide


July 28, 2020

The earnings of individuals serving in the army on active duty have been covered since 1957 under Social Security. Since 1988, Social Security has also covered duty service, which has been inactive in the armed forces reserves. In this article, we have provided essential info that should be known by military personnel regarding the benefits they will get from Social Security.

Paying Social Security And Medicare Taxes

While you happen to be employed in the military (from 1957 on), Social Security taxes must be paid by you just like the civilian employees. Those taxes will be deducted from what you are being paid, and the U.S. government will pay you an equal amount. The tax rate, in the year 1999, happens to be 7.65% up to as much as $72,600. In case you earn in excess of that, you go on paying the tax’s Medicare portion on the remainder of what you earn.

When Should You Take Social Security Benefits?

Many individuals take social Security benefits once they are entitled to do that, and for many Americans, it is 62 years of age. However, it does not imply that you should take these benefits immediately since you can receive them.

Delaying while taking these benefits can lead to higher payments. Although you can start getting these benefits when you are 62 years old, it will be advisable to delay the start date for getting 

the payments if feasible.

The reason for this is that a sliding scale is used by the Social Security Administration, which will depend on your year of birth for ascertaining your retirement age as well as the sum of money received by you. Taking these benefits at 62 years of age might make you entitled to get a partial payment.

How your work qualifies you for Social Security

You must work and pay Social Security taxes for a particular period to qualify for the benefits. You will get 4 credits in 2005 if you can earn a minimum of $3,680. The sum required to receive credit for your work is going to rise every year. The number of credits required by you for qualifying for the benefits will depend on the sort of benefit which you are entitled to as well as your age. None requires work for more than ten years.

Social Security Extra Earnings

The Social Security benefits received by you will depend on how much you have earned averaged on top of your working lifetime. In general, in case you earn higher, the benefits received by you will also be higher. The additional earnings are intended for active duty periods. These additional earnings might help you to become entitled to Social Security or enhance your Social Security benefit amount. Once you do file for benefits, these additional earnings will be added by Social Security to the earnings record of yours.

You did not pay Social Security taxes in case you were employed in the army from the year 1940 through 1956. However, you will be credited with $160 every month for service in the army from 16th September 1940 through 31st December 1956, in case:

• You were discharged honorably after serving for 90 or more number of days, or you had been released due to an injury received while performing your duty or disability; or

• You have been making applications for survivors’ benefits depending on the work of a veteran who expired while serving actively.

You are not entitled to these special credits in case you have been receiving federal benefits depending on the identical years of service unless you were actively serving after 1956. In case you were actively serving after 1956, you will be able to receive the special credit for 1951 through 1956, even though you are getting a military retirement depending on service at that time.

In case you were employed in the army in 1957 through 1977, you will receive $300 in extra earnings for every single calendar quarter.

In case you were employed in the military in the year 1978 through 2001, you will receive an extra $100 up to as much as $1,200 every year for every single $300 in basic pay while serving actively.

You will not receive any extra earnings in case you started serving after 7th September 1980 and could not complete active duty for a minimum of 24 months.

When you are eligible for Medicare

Your health benefits might modify or even end once you are entitled to Medicare if you have health care insurance from the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) or under the CHAMPVA or TRICARE program. For more information from Social Security offices near you, you will be sensible to come in touch with the Department of Defense or the VA.

You can work and get retirement benefits.

You will be able to retire once you become 62 years old. However, your Social Security benefits are going to be lessened permanently in case you do. In case you decide to make an application for benefits prior to your complete retirement age, you will be able to work and get some benefits too. There are restrictions on the amount that can be earned by you without losing your retirement benefits. Every year, these limits are going to change.

You will be able to earn as much as you can once you get to your retirement age, and you will still receive your benefits.

Although the retirement age happened to be 65 and a half years in 2005, it will increase gradually until it gets to 67 years of age for individuals born in the year 1938 and later.

Contacting Social Security

In case you would like to get more information, make it a point to go to the official website at www.socialsecurity.gov or call toll-free at 1-800-772-1213. They will reply to specific queries and also offer information around the clock by automatic phone service.

All calls are treated by them confidentially. They likewise want to make certain that you get polite and accurate service from them. For this reason, they have got one more Social Security representative for monitoring several phone calls.

Author: Michael Morelli

Author Bio: Michael is a seasoned writer who loves to write about issues relating to retirement, Medicare, and Social Security. Holly currently works as a writer for “Social Security Office Near Me“, where she writes about Social Security benefits and issues affecting the senior citizen population.

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